Membership Benefits

Arts For Health Sarasota – Manatee is a MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION for everyone with an interest in arts and health. Members can network with each other and receive regular e-bulletins with the latest news, events and opportunities, as well as be included in an on-line Directory. Help us spread the word!

There are many reasons to join AFHS-M. When you become a member, you become a part of the dynamic professional, organizations and affiliates that are transforming our world, by helping to shape the future of arts in health and well-being. AFHS-M provides the tools and resources to help get you there, by advancing your career and enriching your knowledge with life-long learning resources.

Who should join?  Anyone with an interest in Arts and Health…


  • Arts in Healthcare Professionals
  • Arts Therapists
  • Health Professionals including those working in General Practice
  • Health and Social Care Organizations
  • Service User Organizations
  • People working in Public Health
  • People working in Local Authorities (including Arts Development, Children’s and Young People’s services, Health and Social Services)
  • Artists and Arts Organizations
  • Architects
  • People working in the Voluntary / Community Sector involved in health and social care
  • People working in the medical humanities
  • People working in education
  • People working in strategic regional organizations
  • Members of the General Public

Individual Membership ($15)

Individual members are community people who support the mission and values of AFHS-M Inc. and have an interest in participating in the many educational events and other activities of AFHS-M Inc.


Individual Member Benefits:

  • Information & Resources on arts and health integration benefiting health and wellness
  • Access to community educational events where artists, healthcare providers, and general community members can learn and share ideas
  • Receive advance notice of our events and educational programs
  • Discounts on workshops, training, and events
  • Ability to engage the services of our arts and health practitioners
  • Learn from experts about developments in the field and how arts integration may benefit you, your family and friends.

Professional Member ($40)

Professional Members of AFHS-M, Inc. are Arts and Health Practitioners with varied experience, education, and training in using an art form (e.g. visual art, drama, dance and movement, music, expressive arts, etc.) to promote health and wellness at all stages of life for individuals, groups, and organizations. Professional Members are contributing locally and nationally to a voice promoting arts and health integration. They are available to provide their services in our community and can be found on our Arts for Health Practitioner Directory. You can find out about upcoming professional member activities and events on AFHS-M, Inc. calendar of upcoming events. Arts and Health Practitioners need to apply to become a professional member and be approved by the AFHS-M, Inc. Board.


Professional Member Benefits

  • Listed on Arts for Health Practitioner Directory
  • Promotion of your talents and skills in arts for health work, and your availability to be contracted for employment
  • Participation in professional member AFHS-M, Inc. Peer2Peer Roundtables
  • Networking opportunities with other arts and health practitioners
  • Access to Information & Resources on arts and health integration and wellness
  • Ability to share your work and upcoming events on AFHS-M. Inc. website
  • Receive advance notice of AFHS-M, Inc. events and educational programs
  • Discounts on workshops, trainings and symposia
  • Access to community educational events where artists, healthcare providers, and general community members can learn and share ideas
  • Learn from experts about developments and benefits in the field of arts and health integration

How Do You Become a Professional Member?

A minimum requirement is experience in doing arts and health integration work!

  • Complete the application for Professional Member
  • Payment of AFHS-M, Inc. Professional Membership dues of $40.
  • AFHS-M, Inc. will review your application, focusing on your experience, paid or volunteer, in arts and health integration.
  • You can expect a response via email no later than a week of your submission date
  • You will need to attend at least one Peer 2 Peer Arts and Health Roundtable provided by AFHS-M, Inc.
  • Once these above steps are successfully completed, you will fill out a form for the Arts For Health Practitioner Directory, including submissions of photos(no larger than 300 DPI)
  • After a final review and approval, your information will be added to the Arts For Health Practitioner Directory
  • Any future changes in information will be submitted to AFHS-M, Inc. for review

Organization Plus Member ($45)

(membership fee includes one Organization Plus one Professional Membership)

An Organization Plus Membership is for a business or organization that provides arts and health integration services as part of their organization or business. This membership allows for the organization to have one Professional Membership included in their initial membership fee of $65, includes 2 additional professional members. Organization Plus members will be promoted on our website as an organization/business that supports and provides arts and health integration services, and have the opportunity to share their activities and events. The organization will be listed in the Organization Plus/Affiliate Directory, and the Professional Member will be listed in the Arts for Health Practitioners Directory.


Organization Plus Membership Benefits:

  • The organization will be listed in an Organization Plus/Affiliate Directory, as well as having their professional member(s) listed in the Arts for Health Practitioner Directory.
  • Organization Plus Membership includes two additionalProfessional Members
  • The Organization Plus Membership and the Professional Membership(s) associated with that organization will have the opportunity to participate in the Peer2 Peer Roundtable
  • Receive discounts on events sponsored by AFH S-M, Inc.
  • Promotion of the organization’s events on our calendar, or submit for emailing to other members.
  • Access to community events where artists, healthcare providers, and general community members come together to share information and ideas
  • Receive advance notice of our events and educational programs.
  • All Professional Members associated with the Organizationa Plus Membership will have all of the Professional Member benefits listed under the Professional Member category

How to Become an Organization Plus Member

  • Complete the Organization Plus Membership application, which includes a form for each Professional Membership linked to this Organization Plus membership
  • Add any additional Professional Memberships (up to 2 after the initial one) to your application
  • The information on this application will also serve as your database form for the Arts for Health Practitioner and Organization Plus Directory after it is reviewed and accepted. For your records, please make a copy of all entered information before submitting to AFHS-M, Inc.
  • Submit payment of AFHS-M, Inc. Organization Plus Membership fee
  • AFHS-M, Inc. will review your application
  • You may expect a response via email no later than one week of your submission date.
  • Your professional members will need to attend at least one ofthe Peer 2 Peer Roundtable provided by AFHS-M, Inc.
  • As a professional and organization plus member, please plan to attend  Peer 2 Peer Arts and Health Practitioner Roundtables provided by AFHS-M, Inc.
  • After a final review and approval of your application, you will be notified, and your information will be added to the Arts For Health Practitioner/Organization Plus Directory
  • Any future changes in information will be submitted to AFHS-M, Inc. for review

Affiliate Membership ($30)

Affiliate Members are organizations, and or businesses who support the mission and values of AFHS-M, Inc., and support the role that the arts can have in promoting health and wellness. An Affiliate does not provide the services of arts and health as their main focus/service, but strongly support arts and health integration in our community.


Benefits for You

  • Listing on our website Organization Plus/Affiliate Directory, including organization or business name and logo, contact info for one person, and link to business website
  • Access to the many arts and health practitioners of AFHS-M, Inc.
  • Ability to submit requests seeking to contract for hire, or recruit professional member services of AFHS-M, Inc. arts and health practitioners
  • Public acknowledgment on AFHS-M, Inc. website of your organization/business support for arts for health and wellness
  • Organization/business name on AFHS-M, Inc. advertising as an Affiliate
  • Access to educational talks and events that promote Arts and Health integration
  • Advanced notice of AFHS-M, Inc. Events
  • Discounts on workshops, training, and symposia

How To Become an Affiliate Member

  • Join AFHS-M, Inc. as an Affiliate
  • Submit payment of AFHS-M, Inc. Affiliate Membership fee of $30
  • Complete the application for Affiliate
  • You may expect a response via email no later than one week of your submission date
  • Once application is reviewed, we will use your application information to complete your contact information. Please submit your company logo as a png, jpeg file
  • AFHS-M, Inc. will review your submission before for information becomes active on the directory

Did you find this resource useful?

we are only able to continue to provide the information and resources found on this site if we continue to receive charitable donations and grants. If you found this resource useful, then please consider contributing.
