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Sex, Intimacy & Aging
A rousing one-woman performance by Hedda Matza-Haughton, she invites the audience to explore intimacy and aging through the stories of her characters. There is a character who only loved one person who passed and left them to figure out life alone, another who is facing cancer and afraid of losing her identity, a man who…

The Telling Project
Sharing their stories, bringing home the reality of war. Two years ago, when they agreed to be part of the Tampa edition of The Telling Project, a national performing arts nonprofit that employs theater to deepen understanding of the military and veterans’ experiences, neither Ryan Simonson nor Scott Owens had ever set foot on a…

AFHS-M Presents at Florida Health Care Activity Coordinators’ Association
Arts For Health Sarasota-Manatee Presents at Florida Health Care Activity Coordinators’ Association District VI Meeting on July 21, 2016. It’s difficult to imagine a more ideal audience for an arts and health presentation than the group gathered at the recent Florida Health Care Activity Coordinators’ Association District VI meeting at Kobernick-Anchin-Benderson in Sarasota. Guest speaker, Hedda-Matza-Haughton, LCSW,…

JFCS Cancer Support & Wellness Program
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Connecting The Arts to Better Health
Professionals from Arts For Health Sarasota Manatee are out in the community, promoting physical and emotional well-being by engaging people with the arts.